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 • The Misconception About Not losing Your OFFICE 365 DATA Why you should have serious backup for OFFICE 365 Data There is misconception that OFFICE 365 doesn’t need to be backed up, because it runs in cloud. A common misconception is to assume that data protection isn’t required for CLOUD applications. While OFFICE 365 is a CLOUD application, storing in the cloud is not the same thing as having data protection. This is where the confusion is: A: Data storage in cloud offer SOME redundancy compared to saving files on your local drive. B: Using cloud is not the same as having a backup. Microsoft does give customer several options: A: Archive data B: Manage document versioning C: Retaining deleted items for a desired amount of time But when critical data is: A: unexpectedly DELETED B: CORRUPTED It will take while before it is figured out. Even if you pay for data archiving, missing data cannot be recovered after the retention limit. ONLY A GENUINE BACKUP SERVICE CAN HELP YOU RECOVER AFTER AN EXTENDED AMOUNT OF TIME Data loss can be caused by: A: Deletion Intentional / Accidental B: User Error (most common cause of cloud data loss) C: Hackers D: closing an account E: Integration errors Recovery: Users cannot rely on recovery from Office 365 Recycle Bin to recover deleted data. A: Microsoft does not have search tool to search through thousands if not million of records in the Recycle Bin. B: Data can be permanently deleted due to limited retention period on Office 365 Recycle Bin. Cannot rely on Microsoft’s archiving tools for backup and recovery Some version of Office 365 offer archiving tools. These tools are outside the user’s mail box. These tools are not designed for easy use to recover lost document in Office 365. In looking for Office 365 backup solutions, many overlook the fact that some vender's only offer Exchange back and recovery. What about the rest of the documents in Office 365? This is the most over looked backup and can be very costly, as more and more organizations are adapting Office 365. Please contact us to implement latest technology to back up your Office 365 Email and Data.
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